
Post Tags
Journal: 2003-11-27 10:33:00
Wikipedia, libraries, and school
The Lathe of Heaven
Shame as a motivator
Between Silk and Cyanide
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat mathematics
The Man Who Mistook etc.
Between Silk and Cyanide Redux
Vows and Honor
IceBreaker's not JezzBall
My Library
Spider Webs in Space
Google celebrates Banned Books Week
Student sues college over grade curve
Pathetic Innumeracy
The sun drowned himself last night
The problem of Facebook
Open Yale Courses online classes
Pride and Prejudice, the miniseries
Images of Muhammad in Wikipedia
We're in more trouble than I thought
The end of print
Google to index the 'invisible web'
On the lifetime of a book
The Things that Make Me Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away
In which the countess drops a belt games
Grail update, and more games
Update games
Galaxy and others games
Dragon Warrior games
Eversion games
Diablo 2: Done! games
Sailor Moon Plus games
LETTER, a simple guessing game games
World of Goo, etc. games
Lately, Some Pinball games
Super Mario Galaxy: Complete games
Lately games
Games on Steam games
Mario 3 games
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale games
IFComp 2010: Under, In Erebus interactive fiction, games
New Games games
IFComp 2010: East Grove Hills interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2010: The Chronicler interactive fiction, games
Beat Torchlight Again games
Software I Want: A Good Feed Reader
Recently, DS games games
Super Scribblenauts Beaten games
Recently games
Journal: 2011-07-18 00:00:00
Why I Read Children's Books
Finishing Games
IFComp 2012: Escape From Summerland interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2012: Kicker interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2012: The Test is Now READY interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2012: Body Bargain interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2012: Murphy's Law interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2012: Signos interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2012: J'dal interactive fiction, games
Action Comics 1938 (issues #1-7)
Let's hacking! Saves 0001 and 0002. Project: Dot hacking, reverse engineering
Saves 0003-0010: Before the Beginning Project: Dot hacking, reverse engineering
Saves 0011-0024: Almost There Project: Dot hacking, reverse engineering
Interlude: Memory Map Project: Dot hacking, reverse engineering
Saves 0025-0030: Welcome to The World Project: Dot hacking, reverse engineering
Saves 0031-0032: Taking Inventory, part 1 Project: Dot hacking, reverse engineering
Interlude: Modifying Saves Project: Dot hacking, reverse engineering
Toshiba T-3100 hardware
Journey to the Center of the Earth Adventure interactive fiction, games
Spring Thing 2014: The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost interactive fiction, games
Spring Thing 2014: The Adventures of a Hexagon interactive fiction, games
Shufflecomp: Nova Heart: Don’t Be Standing Around While the Earth Dies Screaming, or: Who Is To Blame When the Owls Leave Candy Jail? interactive fiction, games
Shufflecomp: Sparkle interactive fiction, games
OS/2 parlour games by Peter Wansch games, parlour games
WordPerfect 5.1 word processor
Microsoft Word 5.0 (DOS) & Microsoft Word 1.1 (Windows) word processor
EW word processor
Nihongo Word Processor v1.10 word processor
Software in the Age of Sneakernet: A Pictorial
IFComp 2014: Hill 160 interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2014: Raik interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2014: One Night Stand interactive fiction, games
Thoughts on Ferguson's Media Violence Paper academic article, violence
Assembly games, assembly
Word of the Day: beldame word of the day
Word of the Day: shallop word of the day
Word of the Day: sinecure word of the day
Building a Better Mousetrap Project: Quoted Forsooth
Super Scribblenauts Invisiclues games
IFComp 2016: Ventilator interactive fiction, games
Undo interactive fiction, games
Journal: 2017-01-10 13:32:02 games, religion, performativity
Journal: 2019-01-20 23:44:59 Project: Learn Japanese
Journal: 2019-06-27 11:38:32
Progress on Mt. Tsundoku reading
SF, new and old reading
Reading roundup reading
In which several books are finished reading
IFComp 1995: Mystery Science Theater 3000 Presents "Detective" interactive fiction, games
IFComp 1995: Toonesia interactive fiction, games
IFComp 1995: Uncle Zebulon's Will interactive fiction, games
Fiction catalogued Project: Library Organization
Reasons and Persons, post 1 (sections 1--6) philosophy, reading
Reasons and Persons, post 2 (sections 7--9) philosophy, reading
IFComp 2020: Quintessence interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2020: Last House on the Block interactive fiction, games
IFComp 2020: Stand Up / Stay Silent interactive fiction, games
Raising Windows in GNOME 3 Linux, GNOME
Current note-taking strategy note-taking
Journal: 2021-10-05 16:35:54
Journal: 2021-11-10 20:37:50.897083
Journal: 2021-12-09 17:21:14.291738
Journal: 2021-12-15 14:09:57.949362
Journal: 2022-01-20 18:54:08.992037
Journal: 2022-02-14 00:00:00
Inexplicable inefficiency
Deciphering XP3 files reverse engineering, XP3 archives
Journal: 2023-10-11 08:08:49 XP3 archives
Star Trek books, part 1: James Blish Star Trek
Star Trek books, part 2: Star Trek Logs Star Trek
Star Trek books, part 3: Bantam Star Trek